QuantUniversity's Approach

With a practitioner focused approach and the Explore, Experience and Excel series of programs, QuantUniversity’s programs encourages actionable learning enabling participants to learn by doing through hands-on examples and case studies all powered by QuAcademy


Introductory courses in topics like Python, ML/AI, Fintech, Model Risk


In-depth courses in ML/AI, Fintech, Natural language processing, Anomaly Detection, Deep Learning, Synthetic Data Generation etc.


Certificate programs in Machine Learning, Model Risk and Fintech


QuAcademy Live+

QuantUniversity offers live and hybrid mode classes that are streamed live with labs and course materials offered through QuAcademy. We have conducted courses with multiple organizations, banks, regulators etc. to train their workforce. Contact us to request a class at your firm.


Courses Offered

QuantUniversity offers customized training courses and workshops for executives to enable them with the tools needed to handle data and implementation challenges when designing and developing quantitative solutions. Our workshops are hands-on and filled with real-world examples enabling executives to use the skills learnt immediately in their jobs. Check out our upcoming workshops and certificate programs.



Nvidia DLI

QuantUniversity delivers Nvidia DLI courses. Courses offered include:

  • Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Computer Vision
  • Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science with RAPIDS

Marcus Evans

QuantUniversity partners with Marcus Evans/GFMI to offer courses on Machine Learning and Model Risk Management.


QuantUniversity has partnered with PRMIA to offer courses in Data Science, Machine Learning, Model Risk Management, Fintech etc.

CFA Institute

QuantUniversity has partnered with CFA Institute to creating and curating Professional Learning offerings. We also partner with multiple local CFA societies to offer QuantUniversity programs to society members


QuantUniversity has partnered with WileyNxt to offer modules in Fintech in the WileyNxt executive education programs

Boston Fintech Week

QuantUniversity conducts annual community bootcamps in partnership with the Fintech Sandbox and Babson College. Proceeds from the workshop goes towards funding QuantUniversity's social causes








Past Participants of QuantUniversity Workshops